Cet Notizie
Opera La Pira, Documento campo internazionale 2007
Pubblichiamo (in italiano e in inglese) del “Documento finale” approvato al termine del Campo internazionale 2007, organizzato dall’Opera per la Gioventù “Giorgio La Pira” dall’8 al 18 agosto 2007 al Villaggio “La Vela” di Castiglion della Pescaia (Gr). Al campo partecipavano circa cento giovani provenienti, oltre che dall’Italia, dalla Russia (con quattro diverse delegazioni, di cattolici e ortodossi da San Pietroburgo, dell’associazione ortodossa “Common cause” di Mosca e dell’Università Mgimo per le relazioni internazionali di Mosca), da Israele (sia attraverso il Centro Peres per la pace che alune università) e dalla Palestina (sempre attraverso il Centro Peres e la parrocchia cattolica di San Salvatore a Gerusalemme Est). Tra i giovani anche alcuni africani.
Testo inglese
3. The camp was also the occasion to deal with the role the three monotheistic religion can have today: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. By going through them we can discover their deep closeness. All of them come from the common Abraham’s family and all of them promote life. God originated human life and this determines the dignity, sacredness and inviolability of the human person. At the centre of the message of each of the three religions there is the personal relationship with God, Who better shows Himself in our intimate conscience and finds the dimension for the dialogue in all believers’ communities and the dimension for a relationship to share, meet and hold a dialogue in the wider community where all men live. This fundamental unity of all religions, that in their authenticity orient towards human promotion, respect of everybody’s dignity and consider as a sin any action of a man against another one, becomes an essential instrument to orient toward peace the whole international community. Believers have the duty to witness the authenticity of this message and prevent the faith from becoming a means of division, discrimination or violence against men through mystification.